Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blogs 4 ECE/Elementary

Submitted by AM  This site has blogs that are nominated for the top bogs of the year in different categories.  There is a category for best teacher blog which has links to all the nominations for the award.  Technically it is a blog of blogs.  A great resource to use to get ideas when setting up your own blog.  The winner of the best teacher blog was

This blog won the “beyond the classroom” category.  I like the pictures and videos.  She did a great job not capturing student faces to protect their privacy.

Here is a link to the blog of one of the teachers at my school.  He used to be our tech teacher and I have found his blog to be the most up to date and includes lots of pictures and videos.

Submitted by SH
This looks a good one... Blogger Dean Shareski
It is about... “Visitors to this site can see his latest post at the top of the left-hand column, and if they scroll down the page, they can read what Dean has been posting for the last couple of months.”
On the left, you can find the latest postings. One of the links in the blog is this project, pretty cool global project. It is about collaboration even with teacher far, far away (the link shows two videos and replies from and teacher here in USA and a teacher in Greece) You should check it out: Magic and Serendipity in Our Global Primary Classroom. Actually, this leads to another blog, which I did not explore, except the global project.  
The video section is very interesting too. It has links to YouTube videos that show very nice practices teachers are doing in the classrooms.

Submitted by JL
A huge variety of articles/topics related to education and technology.  Flipped Learning

The notion behind this website is to turn learning upside down.  It is the personal blog/website of Jon Bergmann.  Jon is a teacher, educational coach, and writer who has had the privilege of helping educators around the world reconsider what education can look like.  He, along with Aaron Sams, are considered two of the pioneers in the Flipped Class Movement.  They co-wrote the book on the Flipped Classroom.  It will be available from ISTE Press in June of 2012.  They also have a popular YouTube channel which contains the videos they have used with their students in the flipped classroom.  The videos are mostly Chemistry, Astronomy, and Space Science videos.  Jon believes educators should ask one guiding question:  What is best for my students in my classroom?  To the best of his abilities he has done this in his twenty-four years as a high school science teacher. Free Technology for Teachers
The purpose of this site is to share information about free resources that teachers can use in their classrooms. The Innovative Educator
Creative teaching ideas, lots of articles. Mind/Shift - How we will learn
Research, policy, and cultural issues.  MindShift explores the future of learning in all its dimensions – covering cultural and technology trends, groundbreaking research, education policy and more. The site is curated by Tina Barseghian, a journalist and mother of a grade-schooler. Teaching Blog Addict
TBA provides bloggers and readers direct access to fabulous teaching blogs that are filled with creative teaching tips and fun educational resources.

Submitted by SB
First Grade Classroom Blog.  This is a good one for displaying student work (authorship), topics being covered in the classroom, exciting events, etc.
Spanish blogspot...lots of resources for te
several links to different blogs such as art blogs
If you scroll down this page about halfway down on the right hand side, there is a column for teacher resources with a bunch of valuable links for literacy!  Good ones!
Scholastic blog where teachers share lessons with videos to show the lessons in action.  Some include: geometry units, summer reading, storia, digital reading in the classroom, wall charts, fun with grammar, etc.

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