Internet = network of computers with limited access [Researchers & Government]
1958 - Eisenhower starts Advanced Research Projects Agency [ARPA] to increase US technological advancement in advancement in the shadow Sputnik's launch
1969 - by Oct 29 first ARPANET network connection between two computers
Tim Berners Lee: vision of community driven, participatory Read/Write Web
1989 - develops backbone of WWW Hypertext Transfer Protocol [HTTP]=
1993 - Mosaic Browser --> WEB 1.0 = Read only [supports use of HTTP, requires HTML]
1999 - Internet = Global Communication & Research Network; Consumer or Push driven
2000 - Internet Publishing Tools Explosion --> WEB 2.0 = Read/Write, Social Media
2003 - 53 million adults or 44% Internet users
2007 - 64% teens creating content
2008 - 65% teems on social networks [e.g. MySpace, Facebook]
2009 - > 133 million blogs, increase in social media uploads [YouTube, photos, audio]
Other Considerations:
Internet - a network of networks [e.g. computer network, local area network [LAN], regional network, cellphone, satellite,..] in other words the hardware
World Wide Web - the system used to access the Internet using hypertext to access the various forms of information available on the world's different networks [email & instant messages are other non http systems that access the internet]
HTTP - the widely used set of rules for how files and other information are transferred between computers.
URL (uniform resource locator)
HTML & XHTML - Web page programming languages used to describe what's on a page
- "The vast majority of educators have yet to experience the transformative potential of new tools in terms of their own personal learning"
- "We need to rethink literacy to prepare students as readers, writers, editors, collaborators, and publishers."
- Child Internet Protection Act [CIPA]: teach appropriate use, include parents
Internet - a network of networks [e.g. computer network, local area network [LAN], regional network, cellphone, satellite,..] in other words the hardware
World Wide Web - the system used to access the Internet using hypertext to access the various forms of information available on the world's different networks [email & instant messages are other non http systems that access the internet]
HTTP - the widely used set of rules for how files and other information are transferred between computers.
URL (uniform resource locator)
HTML & XHTML - Web page programming languages used to describe what's on a page
Richardson, W. (2009) Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts & Other Powerful Tools: Ch 1 The Read Write Web:
Difference between the Internet & WWW http://computer.howstuffworks.com/internet/basics/internet-versus-world-wide-web.htm
image source - http://netforbeginners.about.com/od/internet101/f/the_difference_between_internet_and_web.htm
Difference between the Internet & WWW http://computer.howstuffworks.com/internet/basics/internet-versus-world-wide-web.htm
image source - http://netforbeginners.about.com/od/internet101/f/the_difference_between_internet_and_web.htm
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