Sixth Sense Technologies
At TEDIndia, Pranav Mistry demos several tools that help the physical world interact with the world of data -- including a deep look at his innovative device and a new, paradigm-shifting paper "laptop" 

Pranav Mistry is the inventor of SixthSense, a wearable device that enables new interactions between the real world and the world of data.
For more see here

Augmented Reality

Google Googles
Google+ Hangouts
This is what we were going to explore today with the guest speaker who had to cancel. Unfortunately, Pacific will not be turning on this feature in Boxer until the Fall, but my hope is that we can play with this later in the program; perhaps in LCIII. In the meantime, the video provides an overview.

WHAT IT ALL MEANS... [Ch10 Richardson]
1. The Internet will continue to explore as the most comprehensive source of information in history -- connecting all the knowledge pools in the world together
2. Content creation will become more and more collaborative  

"Teachers are tapping into the potential of the WWW that is a conversation not a lecture, where knowledge is shaped and acquired through a social process, and where ideas are presented as a starting point for dialogue, not an ending point." [p. 148]

New Literacies
Read/Write ++++

Editors as well as readers -- CRITICAL readers
Active consumers of information vs. passive acceptors -- PUBLISHERS
COLLABORATORS in virtual environments
INFORMATION MANAGERS - skills to collect, store, retrieve, relevant information

"We need to be participants, creators and sustainors of personal learning spaces & networks over our lives using safe, ethical and effective practice"

Big Shifts
1. Open Content
2. Many, Many Teachers & 24/7 Learning
3. The Social, Collaborative Construction of Meaningful Knowledge
4. Teaching is Conversation, Not Lecture
5. Know 'Where' Learning
6. Readers Are No Longer Just Readers
7. The Web as Notebook [or Portfolio]
8. Writing is No Longer Limited to Text
9. Mastery is the Product, Not the Test
10. Contribution, Not Completion, as the Ultimate Goal

Redefining --  TEACHERS AS...

CONNECTORS not only of content but people
COLLABORATORS not just with each other but with their students as well
COACHES who model the skills that students need to be successful and motivate them to strive for it
CHANGE AGENTS moving away from traditional paradigms of instruction



Course Evaluations
- check your email

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